Deepen Your Connection

One-to-One Intuitive Coaching Sessions

As an experienced Reiki Master Teacher and intuitive, I provide personalised guidance to help you develop your practice and deepen your intuition, heighten your awareness and connection beyond what can be achieved in a group classes.

For Reiki practitioners and masters in business, my coaching opportunities can assist in expanding your skills in treatment delivery, provide intuitive insights to develop your business, helping you to work safely and effectively and to your full potential as a light worker

 Latitude Learning

There are so many great learning opportunities my 1:1 coaching offers to guide and develop your connection with energy and embrace intuitive practices.
Cost per 1hr session : £25.00 Online  / £ 45.00 In-person @ Newbury clinic 

Meditations to enhance development in your practice


How to Guides to support continued learning


Receive a Reiju empowerment to strengthen your connection.

Distant Healing Practice 
  • Explore the purpose of distance healing and learn techniques that will broaden your awareness.

  • HSZN Symbol meditation to strengthen your connection.

  • Engage - practice the methods learnt

  • Receive feedback & guidance 

  • Receive a Reju Empowerment

Symbol Connection 
  • Explore the purpose of of the chosen symbol and learn techniques on how best to use it. 

  • Meditation on the chosen symbol to strengthen and enhance your connection.

  • Engage - practice the methods learnt

  • Receive feedback & guidance 

  • Receive a Reju Empowerment

Enhance Self Healing 
  • Learn various Reiki self healing techniques that will bring positivity and strengthen your connection.

  • Engage - practice the methods learnt

  • Receive feedback & guidance 

  • Receive a Reju Empowerment

Many More...
  •  Reconnect with Reiki - receive attunements/ empowerments and recap on learning ( minimum 3 sessions recommended )

  • Reiki Bizz- various topics that provide practical support in starting your Reiki business.

My coaching programme is always growing and I can tailor make a coaching session on any Reiki topic, including tools on enhancing your intuition.

 Free Distance Healing 

Request Today