Pay It Forward is a simple concept, helping us to offer Wellness Within sessions to those in need and expand our outreach efforts in making a positive impact locally and across the UK.
  • Your generosity is truly appreciated, I am humbled and honoured to have your support. Please connect via my social media to receive updates on how far your kindness really does spread.

  •  You choose the donation amount that you are comfortable through the Pay It Forward acct @ PayPal and you will receive notification of payment for your records. If you would prefer to pay by other payment platforms, please email me to arrange. 

I went to my community group and Niki was there offering a talk on skills for recovery . I had not had this before but gave it a go as I needed to do something as I was in a bad place.  She's kind and calming and down to earth, which worked well for me. 

Anonymous 2023

As a Health worker I was fortunate to partake in a community wellbeing event, where I met Niki and received my first Reiki treatment, which was a pivotal moment for me in recognising the stress I was holding and the benefits of Reiki and relaxation can bring.
I support the pay it forward scheme as I believe its a wonderful way to support Niki to reach those less fortunate than ours selves.

Liz 2018

My worker arranged for me to have wellness coaching with Niki as I wanted to try it to help my mental health. I've never felt so calm after sessions and now getting back on track. I am so grateful for the pay it forward scheme. Thank you all

Anonymous 2022